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Best and worst dry shampoos and DIY

Wednesday, April 2

Hello everyone!

Today i´m doing a little sum up of my the best and worst dry shampoos that i´ve tried and show you how to do your own!

By far my favorite one is the oribe but since it´s a little pricey and i don´t always have the money for it i have found some other ones like the psssst! and the batiste one but for my convenience i like the batiste that is for brunettes or the not your mothers which doesn´t work that well like the other that i just mentioned but it leaves less of that white residue.

The worst that i´ve tried is the tresemme one which is weird because they always make really good products, i guess this dry shampoo is the exception i even gave it to my sister and she hated it.

now let´s move to the DIY part

1/4 cup cornstarch
essential oil ( this is optional)

mix the ingredients together and store it on a jar.

2 tsp cocoa powder 
2 tsp cornstarch
essential oil ( optional)

mix the ingredients together and store it on a jar.

This is not an actual recipe but this is what works best for me (i´m brunette) because it doesn´t leave any residue and works very well also it´s really cheap.

are you ready??

Yes! baby powder , haha it works very well.

Have you tried any of this? leave on the comments below.
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