Hello guys!
As you may know (or not) im trying to lose some weight and i think i´m going pretty well for now because i´m managing my sweet tooth which is what made me gain that extra weight.
So i´m gonna tell you what I do to reduce my sugary craves
1.drink a green smoothie on the morning
believe it or not this had work very well for me, if i start my day healthy and with all the nutrients that i need i don´t crave sugar so much! i have a few recipes in my blog if you want to check them or you can always google some, there are plenty of them.
2. eat less sugar
(duh!) but i noticed that if i had less sugar i wouldn´t crave it as much as if a had a chocolate bar ( or two..) throughout the day.
3.eat a healthy diet and plan your meals
by planning my meals i distracted my mind of the sweets and if you eat healthy i swear you won´t have cravings! you´ll have all the nutrients you need
4.find healthy alternatives
if you must have something sweet try to eat something like dark chocolate or search for healthy desserts , i´ll post some of my favorites somewhere around next week.
Those were my tips i hope they help you out!