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Review: QuikStyle Paddle Brush

Sunday, April 27

Hi guys!

Today i´ll do a review of a paddle brush but not just any paddle brush , this one haves towel like bristles too, it promises to dry the hair up to 30% faster

Now let me tell you what i think of it, let´s start by how i use it:
first i towel dry my hair like i normally would , then i apply a leave- in conditioner and brush my hair with the wet brush (review here) and after that i´ll take the quikstyle paddle brush.

My hair takes in average 4 to 5 hours to get fully dry, since i started to use this brush my hair dries in about 3 to 4 hours which to me is awesome! i really love this product it works really nice and is easy to use .

what do you think? have you tried it?
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