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Review : The wet brush

Thursday, March 6

Like you can see today i´m talking about the wet brush and let me tell you something, i used to like a lot my old wide tooth comb but after giving   a try to this brush i loved it ! my hair gets really knotty on the nape of my head when it´s dry and this is the easiest solution to that problem ( instead of ripping my hair with my hand or a normal brush) but i know this brush is not the main thing , so let´s talk about of the main purpose of this brush

Well, about the wet hair i don´t have really knotty hair when wet but when i do it works great , i don´t feel the the bristles son hard on my scalp like with a normal brush, probably that´s why it doesnt damage the hair that much but let me tell you even if it is made for wet hair that doesnt mean it is not going to cause breakage, wet hair is fragile.

and about if it works on extensions or wigs, i had extensions i few years ago and it works better than a normal brush but not better than a brush that its speccially made for hair extensions.

for finishing the post i´d definitely recommend you to try this product.